Local Experts Amsterdam Local Experts Amsterdam

Conditions Local Experts Amsterdam

Article 1. Definitions
Organizer: Local Experts Amsterdam
Client: The artificial or natural individual who requested the organizer to perform services.

Article 2. General stipulations
2.1 The conditions below are applicable to all agreements to be drawn up with Local Experts Amsterdam.
2.2. Variations of these conditions are only binding, when confirmed in writing by Local Experts Amsterdam management.
2.3. The nullity of one or more stipulations does not influence the validity and application of the other stipulations.

Article 3. Reservation/ constitution of the agreement

3.1 The client fills out the booking form on the website of the organizer or confirms in writing that he/she wishes to book and agrees with the general terms and conditions.
3.2 Local Experts offers a one-off free of charge quotation which is mutually binding. No rights can be granted to mistakes and mutilated offers. Optional offers are made at all times subject to possible interim price changes. For changes and adjustments to the offer in starting times, date and type of programme components, at least €50 in organisation/office costs shall be charged.
3.3. As soon as the participant indicates on the basis of the quotation that he definitely wants to make a reservation and organiser has to lay down the required third parties for the order, the participant is bound to purchase the programme.
3.4 Organiser sends an order confirmation containing all agreements made, which the participant sends back signed for approval within the specified period.
3.5. If the order confirmation is not returned within the specified period, organiser cannot guarantee the availability of what is included in the agreement.
3.6. The person who enters into the contract on behalf of or for a group of natural persons is jointly and severally liable for all obligations arising from this contract. In addition, all persons specified in the confirmation shall each be liable for their own share.
3.7. Organiser will try to carry out each agreement to the best of his ability and is entitled to call in third parties for the execution of the agreement.

Article 4. Payment
4.1. After signing the agreement and receiving the invoice, payment should be carried out within the period specified in the invoice. In any case the total amount of the invoice has to be entered on the account of Local Experts at least 7 days prior to the date of the program.
4.2. The client who does not pay in time will be legally in default without organizer having to serve notice. Organizer is authorised to cancel the agreement or to claim full payment with additional compensation for damages regarding all the agreement- related costs and additional costs such as bailiff- or debt-recovery agency costs.
4.3. If you decide to come with less participants than reserved for, there will be no deduction of money. It is allowed however that other persons participate for the originally intended.
4.4. The client who does not pay in time shall owe the organizer legal interest over the agreement sum.

Article 5. Costs/price
A: For the organization and implementation of programs custom-made 15% organization/office costs will be charged with a minimum of €150,- per custom-made arrangement per day.
B: Custom-made programs are considered all programs and sailing trips that are not included in the regular offer of programs made by organizer and which are done and offered by order of client, under these are also considered adjustments and additions (such as catering) on the published offer of programs of organizer.
5.2 The sum printed in the confirmation is excluding VAT.
5.3 Unless agreed otherwise, the prices published in the confirmation are valid per person, taking in consideration the minimum group price.
5.4 Costs of public transport and drinks are never included in the amount of the invoice or in the offer made unless stated otherwise.
5.5 The costs of drinks will be paid by client to the service providers concerned on the actual day of the event, if not subsequent calculation follows. This payment will be subject to a €25 administration fee (excl. VAT)
5.6 The printed prices are based on prices and conditions at the time of drafting the program.
Organizer reserves the right to change prices prior to a reservation if required because of price adjustments by third parties, including the applicable VAT regulations.

Article 6. Adjustments by client
6.1 Adjustments by the client shall be made in writing or by e-mail. Reception date shall be considered the effective adjustment date.

Fewer participants
6.2. The number of participants can be reduced until 14 days prior to the planned event date up to a maximum of 10% of the original reservation group size. After this deadline reduction by the client is no longer possible, among other reasons, because of agreements with third parties and administrative difficulties.
6.3. Client therefore needs to expect the event costs to be as agreed earlier with the organizer, even if fewer participants than planned turn up at the event.

More participants/other adjustments
6.4 More participants or event program changes by the client can be facilitated as far as this is feasible. In the event of higher expenses, these will be billed through to the client.
6.5. In the event that more participants are present at the moment of the event(s) than known to the organizer based on the reservation, the organizer will charge a retrospective bill, supplemented with extra administration expenses of €25,- + VAT.

Article 7. Cancellation and Delay

7.1 Cancellation(s) by client shall be done in dated writing. The reception date shall be considered the effective date of adjustment.

7.2. Walkingtours & cycletours: Unless agreed otherwise in writing, cancellation of, or changes to, a reservation of walkingtours and cycletours, shall result in the following sums to be billed:

Groups up to 30 persons
If a guided tour or bicycle excursion is cancelled up to 14 days before the program date, an allowance for the guides and administration / processing costs will be charged. This amounts to: €60 per group of max 15 persons and €50 administration / organisation costs. Excluding 21% VAT.
Groups of 30 persons or more
In case of cancellation from 30 days after the date of agreement, the full excursion amount will be charged.

7.3. Canalcruises with or without catering , arrangements in wich the services of third parties are included: In the case of cancellation after the agreement has come into force the Client is liable to make payment of the following percentages of the full invoiced amount:

- more than 8 weeks before the agreed upon date until the implementation of the agreement: 10%
- between 8-4 weeks before the agreed upon date until the implementation of the agreement: 20%
- between 4-2 weeks before the agreed upon date until the implementation of the agreement: 33%
- between 2-1 weeks before the agreed upon date until the implementation of the agreement: 50%
- between 7-0 days before the agreed upon date until the implementation of the agreement: 100%

7.4 When cancelling after having made a definitive confirmation, the Client will in all cases be required to pay
€25,- administration costs.
7.5 The customer may reduce the number of participants within a margin of 10% up to 8 days prior to the agreed upon date of the services being provided without any charge being imposed by submitting a written request, unless agreed upon otherwise. When reducing the number of participants by more than 10% the cancellation provisions apply, as stated in Article 7.3
7.6 Should the Client and the people invited to participate not be present at the time and date agreed upon with Local Experts Amsterdam, the subsequent additional costs incurred by Local Experts Amsterdam will be charged to the Client. In such circumstance this does not prejudice the right of Local Experts Amsterdam to cancel the activity, thus bringing into effect the appropriate percentages stated in Article 7.3

Article 8. Changes/ Cancellation by the organizer
8.1. In the event the organizer by circumstances resulting from his own management, fails to have the program take place, or adjustments need to be made, the organizer has an obligation to inform the client as soon as possible.
8.2. In case organizer is not able to have the reservation take place, the organizer will forthwith reimburse the paid reservation sum (be it paid in full or in part). Organizer is not required to pay other compensation or expenses.

Article 9. Force Majeure
9.1 In the event of force majeure organizer has the right to suspend implementation of the agreement, or to partly or completely cancel the agreement, without the right for client to claim compensation for damages, expenses or interest. In case of force majeure, organizer shall inform the participant forthwith and try to offer an alternative, satisfactory to both parties.
9.2. Included in force majeure, without any restrictions are: industrial action, death, fire, transportation, obstruction, molestation, sickness, and in general all unforeseen circumstances as a consequence of which implementation of the agreement by organizer cannot be expected anymore.

Article 10. Damage by participant(s)
10.1. Any participant in a particular activity causing actual nuisance or trouble or likely to cause nuisance or trouble, to the extent that the event (workshop, arrangement, dinner, tour etc.) is hindered considerably, will be excluded from the event by the organizer's coordinator.
10.2. All costs resulting from the nuisance and exclusion of the participant will be charged to the participant, if and as far as the consequences of the nuisance can be attributed to him/her. Organizer reserves the right to claim any damages caused by the participant, at the expense of the participant or client.
10.3 The participant is responsible for damage to the bicycles.

Article 11. Restriction of liability of organizer
11.1. Organizer is not responsible for any damage or harm to participants of the event, unless demonstrable intent or gross negligence from the organizer's part is evident.
11.2 Organizer is not responsible for damage to participants as a consequence of delays, mechanical failure, weather circumstances, natural influences, industrial action, sickness or any other force majeure situation.
11.3. Organizer is not responsible for actions and influences of third parties not directly involved in implementation of the agreement; circumstances which cannot be blamed on the organizer and which, pursuant to Dutch law or socially accepted standards, cannot be held to the account of organizer.
11.4. Local Experts Amsterdam does not accept responsibility for damage or harm during the use of (rented) bikes.

Article 12. Publications
12.1. Organizer accepts no responsibility for information, photos, brochures and other promotional materials distributed by third parties.
12.2. Printing errors and/or apparent mistakes in publications of, or on behalf of the organizer are not binding to organizer. The organizer's offer made in publications is without obligations and can be recalled if need arises.

Article 13. Complaints
13.1 The efforts and care of the organizer notwithstanding it is always possible that the client has a complaint. This complaint needs to be filed directly at the guide present or at Local Experts Amsterdam, on the day of the event, in order for matters to be taken care of to the satisfaction of the client.
If it is not possible for organizer to resolve the complaint at the moment of the event, the written notification and motivation of the complaint must be filed at Local Experts Amsterdam within a week after the program date

Article 14. Applicable law
14.1. Dutch law is applicable to the agreement between organizer and client.